Thursday, March 11, 2010

Words of Wisdom - Courtesy of my Classes

Lessons that I want to remember and continue to strive towards from this quarter:

Courtesy of Art:
1. Design is the art form that is incomplete until it is engaged.

Courtesy of Improv:
1. Build on the ideas of others. Say "yes, and".
2. Make the other person look better than you.
3. Push yourself and cheerfully make mistakes.

Courtesy of Need-Finding:
1. Ask an open-ended question, listen, and pause for longer -- people always have more to say.
2. Look for disconnects between what people say and what they do.
3. All of our actions occur in the context of our cultural frames -- to understand the actions of another, we must try to understand their frame.
4. Stories and metaphors are incredibly powerful for communicating information.
5. Don't ignore discomfort. If you feel discomfort, either it means something is operating against your frame or it means something is operating against the other person's frame and you're picking up on it.

I'm waiting on the lessons from Extreme Affordability until next quarter.

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