Monday, September 28, 2009

Orientation and Week 1 Photos

I am finally getting a few Week 1 photos up. The first couple are from our visit to David Kelley's house (founder of IDEO and the d. school at Stanford). The giant sand whale was one of our first design challenges and an important part of our fun-filled orientation week.

The following pictures are of the places that I will be spending all of my time for the next two years. The first is the Loft, still a work-in-progress, as the inside is still being built from scratch. The next is the lobby of the d. school and finally, one of the many awesome brainstorming spaces in the d. school. Very excited about the next two years :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool pictures Anisha! David Kelley is a funny looking guy, looks like a cartoon to me.

    The loft looks great! I can't wait to see it in person!
